Plant Experience
Любит частое опрыскивание. Слабое место - корни; не допускать застоя воды и пересыхания почвы. При цветении влажная почва, в остальное время полив по мере высыхания.
Любит частое опрыскивание. Слабое место - корни; не допускать застоя воды и пересыхания почвы. При цветении влажная почва, в остальное время полив по мере высыхания.
Album (9)


The plant is feeling the spring coming! It grows in all directions. Maybe next winter we can even see its blossom? 😊🌺 #schlumbergera #growth #Gamora


The plant is definitely feeling good! It started to grow, and now the “green” people of the office are paying additional attention to the shelf where it’s standing 😊


For a fortnight Gamora’s being observed by Xiaomi Flower Care device. With the help of this small gadget I see when it’s time to water the plant and understand if it gets enough light. The device also measures levels of temperature and fertility of the soil, but I suppose the first index is not so important, and the second one is not measured accurately - so the need of fertilization I plan to determine intuitively 😉


Now Gamora’s living in my office. The poor creature is wet after the antifungal treatment (though I suppose it’s OK as this plant typically likes humid environment, including moisture on its leaves). After the course of treatment I’m planning to relocate it on the windowsill, where the temperature is mostly lower, not speaking now about summer, and the sun can at least reach the plant.
The temperature’s 23C here, on my office table, and 19C on the windowsill. The humidity is (unfortunately) low everywhere in this room - 28% (here) - 31% (windowsill). #schlumbergera #antifungal #relocation #conditions
The temperature’s 23C here, on my office table, and 19C on the windowsill. The humidity is (unfortunately) low everywhere in this room - 28% (here) - 31% (windowsill). #schlumbergera #antifungal #relocation #conditions


Found outgrowths on some segments of the plant today. They look like black spots, surrounded by white circles. I suppose that’s some kind of fungus, though if so - then why some of the spots are convex?🤨 Anyhow, the plant has become smaller after the removal of the affected segments 😐 #schlumbergera #fungus #disease #pruning


Start of 2016 was like that (just received the plant as a gift then) #schlumbergera #blossom


This is my first growing diary.

Elite Article