Plant Experience
Water your fig tree when only the top inch of soil is dry. Test this by sticking your finger in the soil. Pretty soon you'll figure out about how often you need to water. Keep in mind that this may fluctuate based on seasonal humidity, etc.
Keep your fiddle leaf fig in bright, indirect light. In other words, you want it to have a lot of light, but not sunbeams falling directly on it.
Fertilize once a month during growing seasons, but not in winter.
Repotting or Trimming the Root Ball
When roots begin to grow out of the bottom of the pot, either re-pot into a container that's a couple inches bigger or trim the rootball, being sure not to reduce the roots by more than 20 percent. (This latter option also keeps the plant from getting too big, if that's a concern).
Cleaning the Leaves
Because of their large surface, fiddle leaf fig leaves tend to collect a lot of dust. To keep the plant healthy (dust can block light absorption), wipe dust off with a soft cloth.
Water your fig tree when only the top inch of soil is dry. Test this by sticking your finger in the soil. Pretty soon you'll figure out about how often you need to water. Keep in mind that this may fluctuate based on seasonal humidity, etc.
Keep your fiddle leaf fig in bright, indirect light. In other words, you want it to have a lot of light, but not sunbeams falling directly on it.
Fertilize once a month during growing seasons, but not in winter.
Repotting or Trimming the Root Ball
When roots begin to grow out of the bottom of the pot, either re-pot into a container that's a couple inches bigger or trim the rootball, being sure not to reduce the roots by more than 20 percent. (This latter option also keeps the plant from getting too big, if that's a concern).
Cleaning the Leaves
Because of their large surface, fiddle leaf fig leaves tend to collect a lot of dust. To keep the plant healthy (dust can block light absorption), wipe dust off with a soft cloth.
Album (8)


Like it happened before, leaves started turning brown and dropped. No idea why.


The hybrid Ficus Lyrata Variegata is not an easy find and also not an easy plant to care for compared to the regular FLF but it's such a beauty.
It's leaves look painted with a cream white that frames a forest green leaf with unpredictable patches of olive green intertwined.
#ficus #lyrata #rubberplant #variegated #houseplants #gardening #betterhomesandgardens #urbanplants
It's leaves look painted with a cream white that frames a forest green leaf with unpredictable patches of olive green intertwined.
#ficus #lyrata #rubberplant #variegated #houseplants #gardening #betterhomesandgardens #urbanplants


My Ficus Lyrata variegata's leaves suddenly became limp amd soft. Old leaves were dropping a few days back. When I got it the soil felt too damp so I repotted.
When I saw that it went drooping I watered it thoroughly. Any idea what’s wrong? It looks like it has gotten worst since watering it two days ago.
When I saw that it went drooping I watered it thoroughly. Any idea what’s wrong? It looks like it has gotten worst since watering it two days ago.



This is my first growing diary.

Elite Article