Plant Experience
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Bantel's Sensation' (White Sansevieria) - A beautifully elegant variegated plant with 2 to 3 feet long by 1 1/4 inch wide dark green leaves that are dramatically banded with snow white streaks. This species can bloom in summer with sweetly fragrant flowers but this cultivar rarely seems to do so. Will tolerate low light levels but grows best and flowers if given bright light and even tolerates full sun. Hardy to 30-32° F. Water sparingly and not at all as temperatures dip in winter but can tolerate going months between watering. If growing outdoors in frost free areas keep in a covered patio or under an eave where plants do not receive winter rainfall. A great container plant that needs little care. This plant was discovered by Gustav Bantel of St. Louis, Missouri who patented the plant (PP 796) in 1948. On the patent application Mr. Bantel stated "The primary object in carrying out this invention was to fix the unusual dark olive green leaves and silver white longitudinal stripes of the leaves, their slender transversely concave rapier shape, and their nearly vertical stiff erectness, diverging upwardly from a short basal rosette." He described the plant as "similar to ordinary sansevieria … however, it differs distinctly in having its slender ensiform leaves stiffly erect, deeply channeled in the lower portion, extending to 24 inches or more in height with a greatest width about 1 1/4 inches well above the middle and then gradually tapering in graceful curvature to an acute stiff point … In color the inner concave face is mostly dark olive green streaked with silver white with outer convexly curved face much lighter with dark green streaks narrower and more numerous and interspersed with narrow streaks of silvery white." Sansevieria trifasciata 'Bantel's Sensation' won the coveted Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit in 1993. Long placed in the Agavaceae, the Dracaenaceae and by some in the Ruscaceae families, this genus is now considered to be correctly placed in the Asparagaceae. This description is based on our research and observations made of this plant as it grows in our nursery, in the nursery garden and in other gardens that we have visited. We will also incorporate comments received from others and always appreciate getting feedback of any kind from those who have some additional information about this plant, in particular if this information is contrary to what we have written or if they have additional cultural tips that would aid others in growing Sansevieria 'Bantel's Sensation'.
Album (14)


From C&O RM55


Pup is growing well.


It has a pup. Strange that it's so far from the mother.


This is my first growing diary. From Jessie Goh RM10.

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