Plant Experience
Sansevieria ehrenbergii cv. Banana is a peculiar dwarf, compact form from Somalia. It is called banana because of its shape, not for its flavour!!! The leaves are very fat, boat shaped, deeply channelled on the upper surface and curved like a banana, hence the name.
Cultivation and Propagation:
Sansevierias are easy to grow and tolerate a wide range of conditions.
Use a soil mix consisting of 3 parts loam to 1 part of pumice. The plants are very drought tolerant and are watered about every other week during the growing season. They are fertilized once during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer. During the winter months they are watered once a month.
Outdoors: In the garden In mild to tropical climates it prefers semishade or shade and it is not fussy.
Propagation: They are propagated by cuttings or by divisions taken at any time. Cuttings should be at least 10 cm long and inserted in moist sand. A rhizome will emerge at the cut edge of the leaf.
Cultivation and Propagation:
Sansevierias are easy to grow and tolerate a wide range of conditions.
Use a soil mix consisting of 3 parts loam to 1 part of pumice. The plants are very drought tolerant and are watered about every other week during the growing season. They are fertilized once during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer. During the winter months they are watered once a month.
Outdoors: In the garden In mild to tropical climates it prefers semishade or shade and it is not fussy.
Propagation: They are propagated by cuttings or by divisions taken at any time. Cuttings should be at least 10 cm long and inserted in moist sand. A rhizome will emerge at the cut edge of the leaf.
Album (2)


This is my first growing diary. From Kate Phang RM48.

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