Plant Experience
Origin: India
Humidity: 50%+
Water: Water quite regularly in the growing season but leave to dry out slightly first. Rarely over the winter months. Benefits from occasional misting.
Fertilizer: A liquid feed every month or so.
TIPS: The main reason for rapidly leaf drop and/or wilting is over watering. Only water if dry and if it starts to wilt went damp try to resist the urge to nurse it back!
Humidity: 50%+
Water: Water quite regularly in the growing season but leave to dry out slightly first. Rarely over the winter months. Benefits from occasional misting.
Fertilizer: A liquid feed every month or so.
TIPS: The main reason for rapidly leaf drop and/or wilting is over watering. Only water if dry and if it starts to wilt went damp try to resist the urge to nurse it back!
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Acquired 10/18/18 from eBay $22 6”
The same as the legendary Banyon tree under which Siddhartha Gautam achieved enlightenment.
The same as the legendary Banyon tree under which Siddhartha Gautam achieved enlightenment.

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