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Have you ever thought, "Why do I detest working? " Is it me, the things I do, or something else different? According to studies, individuals are getting less satisfied with their personal and professional lives. According to the General Social Survey, Americans generally rate their level of happiness as 2.18, which is only a little bit more than "very happy," on a scale of 1 to 3, where 1 equals "not too happy" and 3 equals "very happy."

Although to some people it doesn't seem too awful, it is seen to be a substantial fall from the levels of happiness seen in the early 1990s. Further investigation of the data reveals that accessing social media, listening to music alone, and spending time online are all associated with sadness.

It's interesting to note that each of these activities may be accessed on your computer or mobile device. The fact that most individuals engage in all of these activities while at work is an additional intriguing feature.

Here are three questions to consider in order to determine why you detest your work and what you can do to change your situation:

1. Do You Only Focus on the Negative?

I can speak for myself when I say that the podcasts I listened to made me detest working. I began to doubt my own dedication as I listened to other business owners discuss their journeys and the success they encountered. Is living my ideal life important to me, or was it simply something I wanted to speak about?

The same is applicable to those who use social media or music to pass the time. You begin comparing your life to others' as soon as you become aware of their achievements and feelings. You start to feel inferior when you see someone going on vacation, buying a new car, or adding to their family.

You may have seen that while engaging in these activities, you tend to think about the aspects of your work that you dislike. For me, it bothered me because it prevented me from beginning my own company. It may be the same for you or it might be something entirely different.

However, you will need to concentrate on the things you enjoy if you want to start appreciating your job again.

By putting your attention on the good, you give yourself permission to recall why you first accepted the position. When confronted with challenging circumstances, keep in mind that the compensation was 10% greater than the pay at your last position. Concentrate on that area of your profession if you accepted the position due to its closeness to your house or the possibility of a work-life balance.

You will only come to resent working more if you keep reminding yourself of the things about your job that you don't enjoy.

When you dwell on the bad, you can think to yourself:

1. why do I continue working here?
2. Do I really need to cope with this foolishness
3. why is my career stagnating
4. why do the worst individuals keep being promoted?

The response is often that you feel trapped in some manner. You detest working, but you detest the thought of not working even more.

Each of us has the fear of failure. But avoiding failure will almost always result in regret.

2. Do You Still Work for a Disinterested Employer?

Whether you love or despise your job depends largely on who you work for and the culture they help foster. According to studies, 92 percent of workers are more inclined to stay with their current employment.  Consider for a minute that 92% of individuals do not love their employment. 92% of individuals are dissatisfied with their pay or opportunities for growth in their careers, yet they are more inclined to remain in their current positions.

Simply said, empathy is the capacity to comprehend and identify with another person's experiences. But since everyone wants to be accepted and valued, empathy is crucial to determining if you dislike working.

It is good to have someone who wants to support you in achieving your goals when you share your hopes and aspirations with your supervisor. It's comforting to know people care, even if their efforts are not always effective. According to a recent Gallup study, 37% of workers would think about leaving their present position if their new one permitted them to work remotely part-time. 

There are several benefits to working from home, which is why so many professionals find it appealing. If you have a family, working from home may provide you the freedom to handle family issues more successfully.

Working from home might help you avoid waiting in rush hour every morning and evening if you reside in a city with heavy traffic. If you weren't forced to sit in rush-hour traffic every day, wouldn't you dislike work less?

Empathy makes workers feel appreciated. It feels nice when you reveal worries or troubles and someone is eager to ease your suffering. Again, the outcome may not necessarily be as significant as just feeling appreciated when someone inquired about your well-being. Despite the fact that they could be dealing with the same office politics in other areas, making someone feel appreciated at work is a certain approach to make sure they like what they do.

I advise you to start volunteering and assisting others if you discover that your workplace lacks empathy. Helping others pushes you to think about other people's needs, which is a wonderful approach to keep you from disliking your job. Additionally, you will be able to interact with colleagues if you volunteer via office-sponsored activities. These connections may give your professional life a depth that makes it more enjoyable for you.

This may be an excellent time to create a volunteer program at your firm if there isn't one now. Along with giving you the chance to manage a project that you are enthusiastic about, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to demonstrate the firm your leadership skills. You will be able to position yourself for future jobs inside the business as you develop relationships via these chances.

3. Do You Really Not Do What You Love?

Doing more of what you love and less of what you dislike is the formula for changing "I hate working" into "I love working."

Finding your passion is not always simple. You most likely broke up with your first love when you were a teenager. Once you reached adulthood, you reasoned that all of your choices should be based on your responsibility as an adult. Even while many individuals find this appealing, this is ultimately the reason why so many people despise their jobs. They are acting in a manner that they believe other people are acting. The issue is that they are experiencing the same outcomes as everyone else.

Take a time to consider your ideal work if you want to alter your outcomes. As many details as you can about what makes this position your ideal job should be included. This might be anything, such as the location, pay, duties, or industry.

Next, spend a few seconds to make a note of any similarities between your present position and your ideal career. Although it may not seem feasible, you will discover that your present work and your ideal career actually have certain similarities. After making a note of the similarities, check to see whether your present job offers any opportunity for you to accomplish more of what you like.

This can include switching departments, observing other teams, or just refocusing on your existing function. See if you can change your schedule such that it is 60% administrative work and 40% client interactions if your employment requires 60% client interactions and 40% administrative work but you do not love working with clients.

It is crucial to discuss your ideal job with your manager to see if they can help you turn that goal into reality. If you find that some of the duties you wish to take on are outside your scope of expertise, collaborate with your manager to develop a strategy that bridges the gap.

Reach out to someone in your network if you believe your boss may not be the right person to assist you in expanding your skill set. This can be an acquaintance from a former job or a colleague.


Developing your existing position into your ideal position will enable you to resume enjoying your work. Even while it may not happen right away, if you make a commitment to changing just a few aspects of your attitude and behavior, you will soon discover that you have the power to transform hatred into satisfaction and love.