Today among the most used and widely known programming languages is Java. It is used in numerous industries such as website and mobile apps, as well as enterprise systems. In this case, learners first need to set up the environment on their computers properly in order to be able to operate proficiently with Java. This makes it possible for the students to compile, run, and test their Java applications in the right way.
Before tackling the code, you have to check if your system can support Java development. To do this, a series of installations need to be carried out. This includes the installation of Java Development Kit (JDK), the right Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and possibly, a version control system (VCS) if you want to manage the code versions. Let's discuss each of these components one at a time.
1. Getting Started with Java Development Kit (JDK)
Answering the primary question, what is JDK? The Java Development Kit is the one single tool that is required for anyone with Java programming ambition. It is a core component of any Java system since it includes the tools and other resources to compile Java code as well as run Java programs. Without this package, it is impossible for your computer to both read and write Java code at all.The first step in setting up your working environment for Java is to download its latest version of the Java Development Kit from the internet. You can go to official sites such as the Oracle website or any other site that is authorized to distribute Java. You may find trustworthy download alternatives if you look for them, such as OpenJDK, but the official site provides the newest and most stable ones. Verify that you are downloading the JDK version that is suitable for your platform (Windows, macOS, Linux). After downloading the setup file starts, all that remains is to install it using the setup guide which pops up afterwards.
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This software seems to be significantly more beneficial. There don't appear to be any drawbacks. Let us go step by step.
The first step is installing Java. You need to set up environment variables on your system. This ensures that your operating systems have access to the java executables. Java can be compiled and run directly in the command line. The steps to set up the environment variables does have some differences depending upon the operating system you are using, however, the general method is as follows:
- For Windows: Right before finishing the installation, users need to go to their System Properties > Environment Variables. There you append your JDK installation location's "bin" directory path into the variable called "Path".
- For macOS/Linux: Add the "JAVA_HOME" environment variable into your JDK-installation-directory by changing the .bash_profile or .bashrc file residing in your home directory.
After following the aforementioned steps successfully, you need to check that the installation has been successful. Open the terminal or command prompt, then type in 'java –version'. If everything was done correctly, there should be a message in the terminal that confirms the version of java installed in the system.

2. Getting yourself a suitable Development Environment
Take me as a time traveler. Why? Because I can see how much time you are going to spend in your mode of transportation that is called an IDE, aka an integrated Development Environment. It is a computer program that enables the productivity of programmers and developers in creating software. It usually consists of a code editor, a debugger, and a building system to run the code into a language that machines can understand. The majority of the time, it also includes integrated version control systems, automatic code writing, and text formatting for ease of programming.When it comes to IDEs, there is no shortage of them, but all the java development ones are quite optimized and easier to grab. These are the efficient ones to look out for:
- Eclipse : Cross platform also known as Eclipse is one of the plugins of the above mentioned IDEs which enables the developer to work without starting from scratch, so it's open-source and supports Java development pretty effortlessly.
- IntelliJ IDEA : This is another excellent choice for Java development. While it comes in both free and paid versions, even the free community edition is powerful enough for most Java projects.
- NetBeans : Known to be one of the easiest IDEs out there suitable for aspiring developers and even to some extent professionals out there, NetBeans IDE is surely another great option to consider when wanting to use the Java programming language.
To begin with installing an IDE, go to the official website of the desired IDE and download its installer and run the setup file following the instructions that are provided on the screen. When the process of installation is complete, you can go ahead and launch the IDE and set it up by pointing it to the Java Development Kit (JDK) you installed previously. Most of the IDEs also permit you to set the JDK while configuring the IDE which optimizes it with the specific environment.
While seeking an IDE one may also want to understand its features as well. For example, today's IDEs are equipped with tools that can run error and correction checks automatically on your code designs. Apart from this, they provide a feature which assists a user when writing code, this feature is called syntax highlighting, and in simple terms it gives colour to certain text characters such as a semicolon which prevents you from missing them out. Having knowledge of these tools will not only make your learning process easy but also increase your efficiency.
3. Optional: Version Control System
Even though they are not specifically mandatory for novices, VCS (Version Control systems) such as Git can do wonders for your development flow. With the use of VCS, you can keep a record of changes made to a code over a period, various releases of a software program, and even work with a group on the same project.Git is one of the popular version control systems which is mostly used these days. It allows one to keep track of the modifications made in the codebase of the project and also be able to go back to the previous versions if necessary. Also, it can be easily integrated with well-known online services like GitHub, Bitbucket or GitLab which provide cloud storage in the form of repositories for your codes or services that are not stored in the same place.
If you want to use Git, you need to begin by downloading it to your device. After installing it, you need to set it up using your name and email address. Once that is done, you can set up a Git repository for your Java application. This entails performing a couple of straightforward actions through your terminal or command prompt. In case of teamwork, cloning the repositories, committing the changes, and pushing them to a remote repository are also possible.
A lot of people would recommend Git for beginners isn't till later courses in their Java learning journey which I disagree with because Git is very strong at first how do you adapt to this language is how a progression looks like. Imagine how very easily you would be able to organize all of your projects and collaborate across the board without any issues. There are many online code editors and open-source projects that require users to use Git for submitting code so knowing version control is very helpful.