Java is one of the most commonly-used programming languages and among the best languages for building RESTful Applications APIs due to its ecosystem and robust frameworks. Thus, this article aims to assist you in understanding the fundamental principles and core ideas needed for building REST APIs in Java alongside the required technologies.
Explanation of REST API
A REST API provides the means and the interface through which one software system can be integrated with another over the network. This method helps greatly in integrating systems that are hosted on servers that are remote. The method is created in line with the REST architectural style which helps in defining the limits of the creation of the web services.
A RESTful API uses some particular resources like data or objects that may be requested or altered by an authenticated user through the HTTP services. The primary HTTP methods used in REST are:
- GET: Used when data has to be obtained from the server.
- POST: Used when new data has to be created on the server.
- PUT: Used when some existing data has to be changed.
- DELETE: Used when data stored on the server is to be removed.
Why Build REST APIs with Java?
Considering the advantages in portability and scalability, full systems over the years have had Java as a preferred language in building REST APIs. Given the broad developer base together with many libraries and frameworks, building systems can be completed because the language also offers many advantages, namely implementing basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) functionality, or more complex systems driven by data.
Features that Java possesses, for example strong typing and exception handling as well as a large amount of libraries for data, log, and security management, would enable creating reliable and secure APIs.
In addition, Java’s implementation of support for multi-threading and concurrency on the other hand allows Java-based application program interfaces to scale and withstand millions of requests per second without compromising on set performance levels.
Important Parts in Development of REST APIs with Java
There are many parts when building REST APIs in Java which a developer must grasp in order to be able to build robust and efficient APIs. These concepts set the necessary API architecture to ensure high readability, ease of maintenance, and adequate performance.
1. HTTP Methods
As stated before, at the core of REST APIs sits something known as the HTTP methods. When building a Java API, it’s crucial to associate the proper HTTP method calls to the right functions in the app. These HTTP methods include:
- GET: Requests are usually used to retrieve information from a specific server.
- POST: Requests have the potential of formulating new resources.
- PUT: Requests are utilized to amend the details of previously existing resources.
- DELETE: Requests are employed to eliminate the defined resources.
2. Resources and URIs
In the case of representation of resources in the RESTful API, REST is an architectural style along with the HTTP specification which defines a set of rules for extending the existing ones. It is any object or data that your application controls such as users, products, or a post in a blog that is referred to as a resource. An individual resource can be identified using URI i.e. Uniform Resource Identifier in which these resources are generally embedded.
A RESTful API may include the following URIs for managing users:
- Users collection:
. - Users with specific ids:
3. Statelessness
REST lacks a ‘state’ and remains stateless. This has to do with the following: Each time a user makes an HTTP request there’s no set of actions one can retrieve, therefore, all that is relevant to that case must be included within the request. Because there’s a reliability on absent recollection, users are able to easily scale because there’s no potential need to retain session-related information.
4. JSON as the Data Format
In most cases, for the client and server to communicate, you must send and receive data in the form of JSON when creating a REST API through Java. For data exchange to enhance, JSON is a great choice in that it is easy to read in the case that there’s future parsing and data generation but most importantly, it enables web applications to run smoothly.
JSON is now the most utilized format for REST APIs owing to its versatility with various programming languages, though XML can be considered, it is not as widely accepted.
Threats such as Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF), Cross Site Scripting (XSS), and SQL Injection should also be taken into account as a great process for protecting your application. It is indeed a vital part of the development stage to make sure that your API is safe and protected.

Java Based REST APIs
Many frameworks and libraries exist in the Java ecosystem in order to make the handling of requests easier. These frameworks take care of the nitty-gritty details in many cases so the developers can develop services that are more meaningful and effective.
1. Spring Boot
Spring Boot is widely recognized as one of the best frameworks for developing a REST API in Java. It allows users to quickly get started with a Java-based web application using established standards and already set templates. Using Spring Boot also helps you to make ready-to-run applications with little configuration.
Among the many tools, Spring Boot is for sure to certainly make the cut, all because it has custom-built support for dependency injection, security, and conversion to JSON format in building REST APIs. This framework offers convenience to many by allowing them to define HTTP methods to Java Methods by simply using the annotations
, @RequestMapping
, @GetMapping
, hence why it is a good solution for creating REST APIs.2. JAX-RS
JAX-RS (Java API for Representational State Transfer services) is a Java Specification for developing web services in REST protocol. It offers a set of interfaces and some annotations that can be used to implement Rest Service in a Java EE setup. JAX-RS is compatible with application servers like GlassFish and WildFly, and is incorporated together with other EE technologies like JPA (Java Persistence API).
3. Dropwizard
Dropwizard is another lightweight framework for implementing RESTful Services for Java applications. It includes a number of integrations such as Jetty (HTTP services), Jersey (REST services based on JAX-RS), and Jackson (responsible for JSON) into a single deployable archive. Dropwizard is constructed around the concepts of high performance and ease of use which makes it suitable for the developers that want to build RESTful Services without much complication.
4. Quarkus
Quarkus is a recent framework intended for the development of cloud-applications written in Java. It is approachable for containerized applications and provides great support for creating REST APIs based on JAX-RS API. It is also very performant and well-suited for development environments such as Kubernetes, thus it is ideal for new microservice architectures.