How Are Files Handled?
This is a broad term that covers everything from file religion to anything related to file editing on devices such as a hard disk or disk. Computer systems use files as a principle for storing and retrieving data that should be kept for a long time, even after the running program has been discontinued. In the context of C++, file handling uses ‘fstream’ which enables one to carry out interactions with files through a range of classes and functions.There are basically two operations that you do with a file and that is reading from a file and writing to a file . These operations are important for getting and saving information like accepting the user’s input, saving program’s outputs, or keeping application’s logs. The ability to read and also write files is fundamental for building software that collaborates with the user or interacts with the environment.
File Streams in C++
Streams are used in C++ to carry out file operations. A stream can be defined as a series of data elements that can be manipulated either by reading or writing. For file handling, C++ relies on three major classes from fstream
library as follows:1. ifstream: This class supports reading data from files.
2. ofstream: This class supports writing data onto files.
3. fstream: This class supports reading and writing data on files which allows performing both operations onto the same file.
All of these classes are included in the C++ Standard Library and come with several member functions designed for easy access when working with files. With files, you would normally first open the file by one of these classes, then perform an operation such as writing, and finally close the file after the operation has been finished.
Opening and Closing Files
A file must first be opened before any reading and writing action can take place. The step of opening a file includes providing a path to the file alongside selecting the mode of access. This mode can either be reading, writing, or both. Once the actions are complete, a file needs to be closed so that any edits made are saved and also to quit the use of any system resources.C++ lends itself to openness in deciding how best to open a file by providing a range of different modes:
- ios::in: This mode allows opening a file where it can only be read.
- ios::out: This is a more advanced mode in that it allows creating a file while also allowing one to write on it: If a file already exists, it will be overwritten; vice versa if it does not.
- ios::app: A file is opened by this mode where data can be appended: the data gets written to the end of the file.
- ios::binary: A binary mode is essential while reading or writing binary data which is not text and this method allows for it.
After the file is opened, operations including reading from it or writing into it can be done. There is also a need to close the file once you’re done using it to make sure that everything is saved and the file is not still in use.
Reading from Files

In C++, the operation of reading data from a file is quite simple given the file has been opened using the right flag(s) which makes it accessible to be read from. The
class has a few built-in functions which help pull data from the file when usable.Usually, one can read data sequentially to make sure all the data is read correctly, for example, files can also be read from cover to cover. While reading, it is also possible to extract text data line by line or choose to extract it word by word. When an entire line is needed from the file
can be used, on the other hand, when reading for words or other data types, the extraction operator ( > >
) comes in handy.Before reading from a file, it is important to check if the file is accessible to the reader. If the file cannot be opened for reading, it is useless as it serves no purpose.
Writing to Files
The process of writing in files in C++ is quite different from how you read them, one way is using ofstream
and fstream
class in ios::out
mode. This way you can create an entirely new file or you can even replace an existing one. So, complex data such as variables and data structures can be written into files, and also it is possible to write into a file line by line.Writing into a file is often accompanied by the
operator, which is used as well to write into a console. But this is a matter of caution, because without opening at least one of the files with append ios
parameter, the file will be replaced. That is the general thing, to put data at the end of the text in the other one.You may wish to do this when working with binary data or for that matter when you want to prevent your file’s content from being messed up because of format’s limitation. This allows it to be ensured that the data is written into the file in undressed form.
Management of Errors and Considerations of File Status
File handling can at times be tricky, particularly when it comes to loading and working with a file. One of the crucial principles of file dealing is to ensure that the errors are handled appropriately. For instance, one might need to incorporate an exception for a file not existing or for permission issues as well. Luckily, C++ has many such facilities that allow checking the status of a file stream.The
function is a more direct approach as it checks if a file is still open or not. It returns false
which signals or points that an error occurred when a file was returned. If that is the case, it returns Tentative. Even for read
or write
operations, it is advisable to use fail()
to check if that writing/retrieving has been successful or not. These functions can help you manage errors or exceptions instead of your program crashing or acting abnormally due to file management difficulties.It is also a good idea to incorporate the
function in combination with the above-described checks for redundancy while reading a file or regarding its size. This ensures that the code never tries to read past the last byte of the file which causes undefined behavior.