
New flower I received at a plant exchange this June. There was no tag on it when I got home; it must've gotten lost on the way, it was chaos at that exchange. My first one ;))
Interesting plant: I received it in several stems so I planted it en mass figuring I'll know what to do when it grows up. It's now about 18" tall, & the top leaves near the flowers just turned variegated. It's not fragrant, the flowers are white & tiny.
Anyone have any idea what it is?
Interesting plant: I received it in several stems so I planted it en mass figuring I'll know what to do when it grows up. It's now about 18" tall, & the top leaves near the flowers just turned variegated. It's not fragrant, the flowers are white & tiny.
Anyone have any idea what it is?

Livy Maes

name of this plant?

keira b: I know the common name is eves needle
sarajordan2993: are those flowers naturally growing on the cactus ?
橘猫: xian ren zhang??

hi everyone, this is my plant Tony. I love him very much and I've had him for a couple of months. he was doing just fine in my dorm room but I brought him home and he started dying, I put it outside and it didn't get any better. I don't know what to do please help I love my plants

rebeccamee: Your one seems to have elongated leaves and stem which is the result of lacking sunlight and overwatering it. You may put it outside to get more sunlight but it needs time to adapt to the new environment. Never overwater it again and if the root is still ok it will be getting better.
Ueca: I support the idea to give it more sun.
If the base of the stem starts showing bluish-black and gets mushy, perform a beheading.
sarajordan2993: Im a few days late in seeing this . As for watering ... i judge mine by the soil . I stick my finger into the soil to about an inch then take it out . If there is soil on your finger , or it feels damp ... its not quite ready for watering . If they are going to be placed outdoors , make sure to acclimate them into the sun . if this isnt done , it could result in a sunburnt succ . Give him a very good watering when he’s dry . to the point where the water is draining out of the bottom . let me know if you have any questions/concerns 😊 im always willing to help
AhhOh坏丫头: sorry I also don't know how to do.Maybe he needs more sunshine.